These are the three simple and powerful metrics for D-Life...
The key to true revival in our land is not the mega-church but the many churches in every small town and major city who will work to re-ignite the disciple-making movement of the early church. Whether your goal is to plant, re-plant, or revitalize a church, D-Life can provide the tools and metrics needed to accomplish your goals.
D-Life Training will help you determine two foundational factors: 1) how many D-Groups you can start with and 2) what your reasonable "D-Group Multiplication Rate" (DMR) should be. Once these two factors are determined, you can use the D-Life metrics (as shown in the three examples below) to establish your 10-year disciple-making goals.
Revival will come when we return to the one main thing Jesus taught us to do-- to make disciples who make disciples. Through the simple disciple-making process of D-Life, every church--regardless of size or location--can experience both spiritual and numerical growth. We would love for you to join the movement. Call us today and let's get started.
- Growing in Spiritual Maturity - D-Groups will meet weekly to hold one another accountable to daily Bible reading, applying the Bible to their daily lives, and discussing the great stories of the Bible. All who actively participate in a group will grow in spiritual maturity.
- Serving in Missional Ministry - D-Groups will hold one another accountable to participate in six ministry/evangelism projects a year. Every other month each group will go outside the walls of the church to show the love of Christ in practical ways and to share the Gospel.
- Reproducing Disciple Makers - D-Groups will work to train at least one new disciple maker every year to multiply out to lead a new group. The supreme goal of D-Life is to make disciples who make disciples.
The key to true revival in our land is not the mega-church but the many churches in every small town and major city who will work to re-ignite the disciple-making movement of the early church. Whether your goal is to plant, re-plant, or revitalize a church, D-Life can provide the tools and metrics needed to accomplish your goals.
D-Life Training will help you determine two foundational factors: 1) how many D-Groups you can start with and 2) what your reasonable "D-Group Multiplication Rate" (DMR) should be. Once these two factors are determined, you can use the D-Life metrics (as shown in the three examples below) to establish your 10-year disciple-making goals.
Revival will come when we return to the one main thing Jesus taught us to do-- to make disciples who make disciples. Through the simple disciple-making process of D-Life, every church--regardless of size or location--can experience both spiritual and numerical growth. We would love for you to join the movement. Call us today and let's get started.